June Meeting

Wednesday 3rd June. We are back to our usual day and this month we have Paul Knight who is a captain in the British Army. Paul served two tours in Iraq and whilst there studied its history and visited many of the famous historical site. Subsequently he has written a book on the Army in Iraq during the First World War.  He is a local lad and is currently involved with coordinating WWI centenary events in the North West. However he has taken time out to give us a talk on the British Army’s role in Mesopotamia during the First World War.

May Meeting

Friday 21st May. This month we are having Derek Winstanley as our guest speaker. Derek lives in the US and is only over here on a short visit – so that’s why we have had to move our meeting date (apologies to those who can’t make it). With help of our Society, Derek has been carrying out research on Wigan’s famous Pier. He has discovered some interesting aspects particularly with its association to the Canal Basin and Douglas Navigation which preceded it.