October Meeting

Tuesday 2nd October – note the change of day – a previously booked wedding at our venue has forced us to change from our usual Wednesday. It also means that our long-booked speaker is not now available. There has been a suggestion that we review some of our previous Society trips – even including the ones we made to Angers in Frances in the early 2000’s. We made three visits there in total and there is enough material available for a presentation on this subject alone. There has also been some suggestions about the possibility of making a return visit – a review of these trips may prompt a review of the possibilities.

Rectory Site Visit

Managed to get down to the Rectory this Sunday to carry out necessary maintenance (mainly pumping out the water) and see if we could make some progress on the new features we discovered last time – including something strange lurking at the bottom of the deep trench (if you want to see what we found check out the Rectory Project Archive – Area 1).

September Meeting

Wednesday 5th September – in the Standish Suit at the Brocket Arms (7.30pm as usual).  This month we have Brian Grimsditch who is Senior Archaeologist at the Centre for Applied Archaeology (CfAA) at Salford University. He has been involved in the running of the Dig Greater Manchester project which included the dig at Etherstone Hall in Leigh earlier this year. His talk however will be on something a little different.  Besthorpe is a project that Brian has been involved with over a number year now. Predominantly a Romano-British site, but evidence is starting to emerge of earlier occupation – from Mesolithic to late Iron Age. This takes the form of prehistoric pottery, polished stone axes, metal artefacts and lots of worked flint. I’m sure it will be another fascinating talk from Brian – hope to see you there.