Aspull Ring Ditch Restart

We’re now back on site again for perhaps our final season on this remarkable site. In our first season we were able to establish the size and nature of the the Ring Ditch. This suggested it was a Neolithic Henge but the carbon dates from the bottom of the ditch came back mid Bronze Age (although this could just mean it was open in the Bronze Age but could have been constructed earlier).

In season two we concentrated on the interior to see if we could find out the structure of the central mound. This we more or less achieved with the discovery of a central stony platform and several cremation urns confirming that this was a Bronze Age burial site. However we were left with a number of unanswered questions. The extent of the stony platform still needed to be established and a sandy clay mound in the central area has yet to be understood (it may contain a primary burial).

You can read about the results of our last two year’s work here – and, as always, you can follow our the progress with our daily Site Diary here (our previous year’s blog is here and our first year’s blog here).

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