All Saints Church Tower Project

In 2011 Peter Layland presented us with a paper on the research he had carried out on the history and origins of the Wigan’s All Saints Parish Church (an updated version can be viewed here). Since he retired in 2017 Peter has been increasingly fascinated by the Church’s tower. This is the only part, apart from the Walmesley Chapel and rood turrets, that survived rebuild of the Church in the 1840s and probably dates to the 13th century. Peter is also intrigued by the fact that it’s location with regard to the Church is not where you would normally expect being positioned on the northeast side (towers are normally on the west end or in the centre if there is a transept).

Peter asked if we could help with a new study focusing on the tower. Before Christmas we offered our expertise in surveying to see if we could unravel some of the mysteries of this strange and unusual structure.  Continue reading… .

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